
Attorney General Urges That Derek Chauvin Receive Longer Sentence Due To Cruelty

By Martin Berrios May 3, 2021 | 3:21 PM
Derek Chauvin mugshot

Source: Minnesota Department of Corrections / Minnesota Department of Corrections

Derek Chauvin will have to answer for his reckless disregard for human life. The lawyer on the case is requesting that he be given even more time than his charges demand.

As spotted on News One, Attorney General Keith Ellison has formally submitted a memo suggesting that the former Minneapolis police officer be sentenced to a longer sentence. His stance is that the disgraced lawman acted so inhumane that he deserves an upgraded term. “The State respectfully requests an aggravated sentence for Defendant Derek Chauvin, a former police officer convicted of second-degree murder, third-degree murder, and second-degree manslaughter in connection with the death of George Floyd” the statement read. The facts proven beyond a reasonable doubt at trial demonstrate that five aggravating factors support an upward sentencing departure.”

The state also cites his cruelty as another reason for the submission. “Second, Mr. Floyd was treated with particular cruelty. Despite Mr. Floyd’s repeated pleas that he could not breathe, and despite the repeated pleas of bystanders on the scene, Defendant pressed his knee into Mr. Floyd’s neck and upper back for nine minutes and 29 seconds” the document continued. “As noted, Defendant maintained that position—again, for a matter of minutes, not seconds—even after Mr. Floyd went silent, and even after officers knew that Mr. Floyd no longer had a pulse. Mr. Floyd also sustained significant facial abrasions and bruising as a result of being pressed forcibly into the pavement. Defendant’s actions inflicted gratuitous pain, and caused psychological distress to Mr. Floyd and to the bystanders.”

As of now Derek Chauvin faces a minimum of 12 1/2 years. His sentencing is currently scheduled for June 25. You can read the official memorandum here.

Photo: Minnesota Department of Corrections