
“Righteous” Bikini Hater Fired By Christian Construction Company After Harassing Women About Their Bathing Suits

By Bernard Beanz Smalls Sep 10, 2021 | 10:51 AM
"Righteous" Bikin Hater Logan Dorn Fired By Christian Construction Company

Source: Federico Caputo / EyeEm / Getty

A “righteous” white man who was deeply disturbed by a bunch of women wearing bikinis on a public beach that he felt the need to harass them is now out of a job.

Spotted on Raw Story, Mighty Hand Construction, a Christian construction company, announced it has fired Logan Dorn after he felt the need to share on social media in a video that his “righteous anger” and the “Holy Spirit” made him confront several women about the bathing suits they were wearing on a public beach on a Colorado lake.

In a post on the company’s Facebook page, it announced Dorn’s termination stating:

“Today information was brought to our attention that one of our employees, Logan Dorn, was accused of harassing a group of individuals over the weekend in Northern Colorado. We began an investigation this morning which has resulted in the immediate termination of Mr. Dorn. Mighty Hand Construction does not condone Logan’s behavior in the videos, nor do his actions reflect our values as a company. Mighty Hand strives to be a place of business where all are treated with utmost respect and acceptance, and actions by our employees which go against those values will not be tolerated.”

Dorn was the subject of conversation after he dropped the video on TikTok in response to the teenage beachgoers proudly announcing his antics, likening the women’s choice of swimwear to “pornography,” and claiming he felt “righteous anger” and a “boldness by the Holy Spirit to go in to confront” them. He revealed the women told him to leave them alone and in response telling them, “there’s going to come a day when you, when you’re going to be face to face with God.”

Dorn doubled down on his behavior on the beach, saying, “I’m not going to apologize,” adding, “I’m just going to say, I’m going to continue to stay on the truth, I’m I continue to stand on the Word of God. Our society is on such a downclimb of morality of pornography and lust is at an all-time high.”

Welp, now he has to start sending up prayers because his “righteous anger” has him out of a job. He clearly didn’t follow the mantra of the construction company that said on its website, “We will do all things with trust in God, each other, and our leaders,” “We will treat all people with kindness and decency,” and “We will not force our beliefs but encourage when permitted.”

The Lord works in mysterious ways.

Photo: Federico Caputo / EyeEm / Getty