
Ash Wednesday: Kevin Durant Gave Profane 12-Word Response To Ashy Leg Jokes On Twitter.

By Lance Strong Nov 24, 2021 | 10:09 AM
Brooklyn Nets v Cleveland Cavaliers

Source: Ron Schwane / Getty

If you’re a Black person, you already know that that fall and winter can be hell on our skin due to the lack of humidity and moisture in the air. Kevin Durant showed full well how dry conditions can translate to dry skin much to his dismay, but the future Hall of Famer fired off a 12-word profane tweet to silence his critics.

On Monday (Nov. 22), Slam Kicks posted a photo series from photographer Daren Scarberry, who wanted to show off KD’s kicks. A portion of Durant’s leg was shown and the condition of his skin was immediately zeroed in on.

Black Twitter did what they had to do with the jokes as expected and while the chatter died down, folks are still digging their heels in.

KD, famous for his responses on social media, crafted a handy reply to all those with something to say.

“I’m bouta pull my “y’all broke” card in a second. F*ck y’all,” KD wrote on Monday.

Guess that settles it.

Photo: Getty