Joe Smith is a name some basketball fans should remember, considering he was the top overall pick in the 1995 NBA Draft. The former University of Maryland star found himself trending on social media this morning after a video surfaced of him having an argument with his wife after discovering she has an OnlyFans page.
By way of TikTok user @kevinwesleygenie, a video featuring Joe Smith and his wife Kisha Chavis having a spirited discussion about her launching an OnlyFans page. Some might remember Chavis from the reality series Say Yes To The Dress where she went by the name Kisha “Kiss” Chavis.
Online sleuths also reminded the world that Ms. Chavis used to be a former adult film actress under the name Yasmine Pendavis. From what we were able to gather online, the OnlyFans account is under the name Kyss Major, a name she also used during her music career.
In a social media world where clout chasing seemingly is a goal for many, we’re not sure if this is another elaborate skit meant to drum up another war between the genders or a real concern. And let’s say it’s the latter, online onlookers having this much access to the Smiths’ marital woes and then commenting on it seems like a lot. Before you say it, we’re reporting on this matter because we have a job to inform the public and nothing more.
Back to the matter at hand, if this is a skit, Smith is a really great actor and has a career in entertainment if coaching basketball is no longer his passion because the brother appeared to be quite upset. Chavis was unapologetic, telling her husband at one point that, quote, “you know who I was” prior to their marriage.
As it stands, it seems like the hard times that Joe Smith fell on after losing his combined $61 million in NBA earnings sparked Kisha Chavis to take matters into her own hands and get some easy cash. To shoot her some bail, Chavis says she’s only shooting solo content and isn’t doing anything too outlandish. Good luck on that one.
Check out some of the reactions from X to the situation below.
@kevinwesleygenie Ex NBA player Joe Smith finds out his wife has an OF!!!
Photo: Getty
This app is insane. Joe Smith? Really? That's who the next 1 million think pieces will be about? Joe f'ing Smith. Who's next, Fred Van Fleet and his list of places not to take him on a date? I hate y'all.
— Bad Rap (@skapes777) October 30, 2023
When you find out Joe Smith's wife was an adult performer…..
— Blue Monkey (@DeeELJay_81) October 30, 2023
The only thing that makes me think that Joe Smith video is real is the anguish on his face
— Will
(@BMDub_iLL) October 30, 2023
#JoeSmith was like…..
— Avery T (@Avery__T) October 30, 2023
Joe Smith:
— Some Random Guy (@Sammyveli) October 30, 2023
So you mean to tell me that #JoeSmith #wife issa former porn star?! Bro, why did you marry her in da 1st place?! You shoulda known this was Gona happen!
#Warriors #NBATwitter #NBA #onlyfans #onlyfansgirl #304
— iMentOs
#D4L (@WiltDaCEO) October 30, 2023
Who in TF is paying to see Joe Smith old ass wife do ANYTHING on OnlyFans!?… Don’t nobody wanna see that old hoe do a damn thing
— Nestradaumus (@Nestradaumus1) October 30, 2023
She sat there on live smiling and chuckling while you were visibly upset about that shit..she gotta go #JoeSmith
— dolojigga (@moneysign_oto) October 30, 2023
None of my business (even tho she made it my business)…but I feel bad for Joe Smith. The world woke up to the fact that your wife used to do prOn AND y’all having money problems. T’s & P’s, my good man…
— Sizzle Chest Rockwell (@JustCallMeMav) October 30, 2023
joe smith better than me cuz i’d have divorced her ass & kept everything
— 32 Wiz (@NorthsideKai) October 30, 2023
What type of voodoo did pat Riley put on joe smith and Scottie pippen… the value of my trading cards is doomed
— SmhJACQ (@JokesONjacq) October 30, 2023
My wifey gotta have a OF….Joe Smith you better get in that dam camera wit yo wife and make some money together.. shit it’s one life….live this mufucka
— Doe $tackz (@Stackz55) October 30, 2023
Was going to comment on that Joe Smith situation but decided to leave it alone
— Shogun of the Multiverse (@TheJayGiles) October 30, 2023
Joe Smith’s wife think she back in the 90s lmao
— Maady (@MaadyBK67) October 30, 2023
That Joe Smith video fake as hell it’s sad to see the nba vets doing social experiment videos smh
— BARI. (@a1Bari) October 30, 2023