DJ Illie Ill: 2pm-6pm
Jeffrey “Dj Illie Ill” Rice is a native of Huntsville, Al. where Illie Ill has groomed himself in the art of DJin’ since the age of 10. With music in his veins he has established himself as one of Alabama Premier DJ’s through clubs, college parties and mix-tapes.
It wasn’t until 1997 when Illie Ill first got his taste for radio with an underground radio station. From there he fell in love with radio and was determine to make it a career. In 2002, Illiei Ill was blessed with mix show duties and the Saturday night on-air host from 10pm-2am. From there he co-hosted mornings with Anthony “Big Ant” Simmons for the WEUP Too Early Morning Show.
During this time, Illie Ill acquired the duties of APD/MD/Imaging Director for WEUP. In 2007, Illie Ill became the new afternoon drive personality where he has consistently held down the #1 rated afternoon show from 2-6.